Course curriculum

    1. Phoenix Rising - The Power of the Cosmic Womb

    2. Activating the PNS

    1. Your Unique Journey

    2. A focus on relaxing into sensuality in Midlife...

    3. Bliss Journal

    4. Self Care Techniques for during your course...

    5. The Parasympathetic Nervous System

    6. Activating The PNS

    1. Please Note..

    2. Disclaimer

    3. Full Body Meditation

    1. Bliss Class

    1. Breathwork & Nervous System Co-Regulation

    2. Doubled Outbreath

    3. Doubled Outbreath VIDEO

    4. Box Breathing

    5. Box Breathing VIDEO

    6. Awaken The Root Chakra

About this course

  • $27.00
  • 35 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content

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Phoenix Rising - The Creative Power of the Cosmic Womb, Sacred Circle Gathering & discussion on midlife, peri and post menopause and the power and adjustments it brings. There is no charge for this event. email at [email protected]
A white phoenix rising over a pink and purple background