The Calm Course is designed to bring your body into a state of deep relaxation and activate the Parasympathetic Nervous System for healing, relaxation, mindfulness and creativity.

Our world is full of anxious perfectionists, and this course will enable you to find a space to just allow yourself peace and relief from an over burdened adrenaline based body system.

Designed to help you find practical body balance with guided meditations, sound and frequency work and breathing practices to allow your body to naturally balance and heal itself.

Course Curriculum

    1. Introduction to the Course

    2. Why Activate the Parasympathetic Nervous System?

    1. The Doubled Outbreath Technique

    1. Full Body Meditation (20 Minutes)

    1. The Box Breathing Technique

    1. Solfeggio Frequency Meditation (45 Minutes)

    1. Eye - Gazing Technique for Meditation

About this course

  • $9.00
  • 7 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

About the instructor

Founder & Author at Intimacy Coach International Anne-Marie Clulow

Anne-Marie had a spiritual awakening whilst on stage performing in Andrew Lloyd Webber's "Cats" in 2010 where she heard a calling to go into a deep exploration of herself, her purpose, and what she could share with others who were awakening to the same shift in consciousness. Married for 25 years, and travelling through different stages of that relationship for over 29 years, brought her to developing a way to take relationships deeper, through working with therapists/coaches willing to look at a larger holistic relationship picture, inclusive of sexuality and sexual / life force energy. She developed Holistic Intimacy Coaching as a safe and boundaried way to learn about Neo-Tantra and Sense You Wellness in South Africa, and now has expanded into the international market training Holistic Intimacy Coaches online worldwide! Since then she has appeared on both radio and TV in South Africa, talking (Neo)Tantra and Conscious Sexuality and the healing power of life force energy. She has also been featured twice on ETV's "Great Expectations" on regaining and exploring libido before and after childbirth.  Anne-Marie writes a column for Odyysey Magazine (Blissexology) as their Thought Leader on Conscious Sexuality. Her calling is teaching and guiding the creation of individual Holistic Intimacy Coaches to work with people to improve pleasure possibilities, heal intimacy issues, awaken creativity and life force energy and shift into a conscious positive sensuality in the world! "Integrating a practical, curious and kind approach to sexuality helps heal a deep wound in humanity" (Anne-Marie Clulow)

Interested in Linking Kundalini Energy to your Spiritual Practice?

Our online course on this material begins on 15th April, and if you join our pre launch and book now, the entire 6 week course is only $19. After the 15th April when we begin the marketed launch it will revert to $199

What the Linking Kundalini Course will cover:

*This 6 Week Course teaches PRACTICAL ways to begin to access this energy, to use it for linking into a spiritual journey.

*Many spiritual paths ignore or deflect from our human nature and primal urges, which often leads to shadow problems later on a spiritual journey.

*By learning how to access and balance out this energy, we can become fully integrated in the human experience as well as progress further along our chosen spiritual paths.

In this Course we will cover:

*What is Neo- Tantra, the different versions of Tantra & looking at what you specifically need to explore for your personal spiritual journey
*How you can use these Neo - Tantra & Taoist techniques to grow your particular spiritual journey
*How to begin a conscious exploration of your shadow & eros
*Looking at your belief systems for integration into a spiritual journey
*Breathwork techniques for raising the energy in your body with somatic experiences
*Foundation Neo Tantra & Taoist techniques to begin a conscious awareness of the linking between kundalini/life force energy in the body & it's relation to touch/connection/self love
*Guidelines on how to develop practical ways to integrate the energy into your life in all aspects
*How to create boundaries when beginning a journey into kundalini, what awarenesses need to be present with finding guides & teachers
*Dealing with kundalini awakening and channeling the energy
Manifestational work & self awareness

Free PDF with subscription available here on Kundalini Energy:

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  • $18.00

    Linking Kundalini Energy to a Spiritual Journey

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