On Line Courses for Sense You Wellness
Holistic Intimacy Coaching
Learn privately at your own pace, in your own time
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Unlock sense you wellness secrets, tips and techniques
Improve sensuality and pleasure
Be more confident about intimacy & somatic relationship touch
Start your journey into more Bliss & Relaxation today with our FREE Journal & Bliss Class
Better sleep, release anxiety, start your Bliss Journey TODAY!

How do I purchase these courses?
Once you've decided which course you'd like to purchase, you can go to the checkout and purchase securely through PayPal
What do I need to be able to do these courses?
You'll need to have access to the internet to watch the videos and download various learning materials, all of these courses are accessed through the Thinkific Platform Any other questions? Please feel free to email us at [email protected] or [email protected]
The Journey of the Tantrika
CourseThe Journey of the Tantrika is an online LIVE GUIDED Retreat on NeoTantric Practice and Taoist Somatic Practices learned in the comfort of your own home...
Bliss Journal & Bliss Video Class
Digital downloadBliss Journal & exercises for relaxation, for improved sleep, activating Vagal Toning, relaxing into the rest & digest parasympathetic nervous system, raising libido and much more! Improve your energy and embodiment within your skin!
Accelerated FOUNDATION Intimacy Coach Training
CourseAdd an Intimacy Coaching Certification to your practice/business in 9 weeks!
Healing Sensuality & Intimacy for Women
CourseHealing Sensuality for Women A Course for Women in Sense You Wellness Specifically designed as a gentle re introduction to sensuality, pleasure and bliss after abusive experiences or relationships.
Bliss Class & Guided Visualisation
CourseBliss Class takes the Nervous System into deep relaxation, and the Guided Meditation helps you journey into revelations from the subconsciousness, the beginning of self awareness and Bliss Healing.
Phoenix Rising
CourseThe Creative Power of the Cosmic Womb. A course on creativity, kundalini awakenings, the phases of midlife for women peri & post menopause with changing energies and hormones. A course with supported Zoom calls and online modules.
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